Opening times today for Salt Store

07:30 - 18:00

Opens at 07:30 today
  • Monday: - -
  • Tuesday: - -
  • Wednesday: - -
  • Thursday (today): - -
  • Friday: - -
  • Saturday: -
  • Sunday: Closed


🕗 Salt Store Opening times in Aarau, 5033

5033 Postweg 8 Aarau, ch
hotline: 0800 700 600
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At the Salt Store, there are always lots of attractive offers waiting for you. Can we tempt you with the latest mobile phones and subscriptions with priceplans and PrePay offers tailored to suit your every need? Or do you need our expert opinion on the latest Internet solution? This and more awaits you at the Salt Store – expert advice on everything to do with mobile communication. We are looking forward to your visit, so drop by soon. Your Salt Store Team.
Сall free, on 0800 700 600
From abroad +41 78 700 60 00
Mon-Fri 08.00-18.00


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